

Taste, Obsession and Professionality

View course & Service

An undestanding
of flavour, and much more

Uno comprehension de seveur,
et beaucoup plus

Professional Cooking

Short Course

Professional Baking & Pastry

Kids Course

Kitchen Rent

Remember, let your
palate explore the plate

Rappelez vous, laissez votre
le palais explorer l’asslette

Maison Bleu Center of Culinary Art set
standart teaching program for exellence in
professional culinary education

We offers certificate programs and courses
for professionals…

Meni Andani

Lapate Patisserie.id

"Choosing maison bleu to learn about baking and pastry is the right place for me. All chef with years of experience in hospitality will guide and help you from the basics".

Calvin Wijaya

Owner of Ayam Pusaka Abadi

"The best part is whem it surprise you with how much you have grown in the period of weeks at Maison Bleu ".


Clarrisa Leoni

Owner of Makn.id

"Truly amazing experience with Maison Bleu. You'll be surprise how much you could grow here before you know it" 


Resti Ratna Dewi

Owner of Myfoodbyresti

"Fantastic! I had the opportunity to learn all the basics & important fundamentals of Culinary here and it was great experience for me. Chefs. Staffs are very professional and the facilities are sophisticated too! recommended The Maison Bleu Center of Culinary Art to everyone who wants to learn about Culinary with Wonderful experience".

Irene Tjawinoto

Owner of Cassila Marron

"Maison Bleu is the right place to learn about basic Baking and Pastry. Chef Hendry, who has over 15 years of experience in hospitality, will guide and help you to thrive during and even after your learning period in Maison Bleu. Overal. I am glad to have an experience learning here! ".

Maishita Nugroho

Owner of Aruma Food

"Yang paling menarik dari Maison bleu aku merasa seperti keluarga dari teman teman yang saling support, para professional chef yang mengajarkan aku secara details and full of patience. Bagi ku ini adalah pelajaran yang berharga dari Maison bleu aku jadi mengetahui dunia culinary dari berbagai negara." 

Ray Adithya

Commes at Marenostrum Jakarta

"After being a student at Maison Bleu I have created a substantial career in culinary that I never thought was possible. In addition, the teaching style and the curriculum module allowed students to develop in their own creative way.".

Nadia Abigail


"Never thought that i could cook! Thank you for teaching me on the basics of cooking in a fun and exciting way. All staffs are so kind and helpful. It was never a wrong decision to have my very first cooking class here. ".

Dennis Ray

Commts at Marenostrum Jakarta

"Maison Bleu was the starting point of my career. I learned the basic technique of French cuisine, the school also gave me the opportunity to carry out an internship program." 

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