

Cooking is an art, and like all art. it is all about patience

la cuisine est un art et tout art est patience

Located at North Jakarta. Maison Bleu Center of Culinary Art sel standard teaching program for excellence in professional culinary education.

it is founded in 2015 by Chef Hendry Ramaly Hutama, a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu Pasadena, California USA with associate of Occupational Degree at 2002

Over 20 years experience in hospitality industry in United States of America. Malaysia, and Indonesia. Chef Hendry has worked in various Michelin star rated restaurants including Spago, Beverly Hills. California where he served under the famous Chef Wolfgang Puck.

He also has 10 years of teaching experience in culinary and pattiserie both in Indonesia and Malaysia. Aside from cooking and teaching, he is a food and beverage consultant for various restaurants in Indonesia and he also own several restaurants in Jakarta

To develop a diverse quality graduates in all aspects of culinary services

Dèvelopper une diversité dipomés
qualifiés dans tous les aspects des services culinaines

We want to be recognized as world class training center for culinary arts, hospitality. and restaurant management.

We want to prepare students for the hospitality industry by providing a structured and crafted training in the culinary arts. hospitality, and restaurants management.

We support a learning environment that promotes passion, Integrity, and respect. Our programs are rooted in the concepts of quality education and quality service.

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